شىء يقدم إعترفا للجميل

Dr Yosef Shiri Feb 17, 2016

In honor of
The Pharmaceutical Committee
Clalit Health Services
PSIRILAX for the treatment of psoriasis, a local product based on natural seed extract, was tested by a clinical study conducted at the Nordau Center for Skin Medicine after all necessary approvals including the Helsinki Committee.
Was tested by clinical use on 25 patients with psoriasis. The preparation was found to be highly effective and resulted in a significant reduction in the severity of psoriasis. Including the pasi index in most patients during the 6-week trial. The product is pleasant to use and no side effects were observed during its use. I see this preparation as a welcome addition to the treatment of this common problem that we do not have a good medical solution for which we recommend to put it for sale. We recommend including it on our list of drugs.

Best regards
Dr. Yosef Shiri
Director of the Center for Skin Medicine
Tel Nordau